Saturday, June 13, 2015


The Titan celebrates another spin around the sun on this planet we call home - take a listen to her latest update and make sure to wish her a happy belated :)

Friday, May 29, 2015


"There are no easy paths worth traveling in this life - it is the hard that makes it good."

The Titan is back at it!  Training has begun for her next fight on July 10th, 2015  against Tatiana Suarez Padilla.

Here are some words from our champions:

Please send your support by commenting, texting, IM'ing... let her know you care :)

Heck, you can even buy a T-shirt - they rock!

Monday, March 9, 2015


"Without a sense of caring, there can be no community." - Anthony D'Angelo

For this special edition of the Follow The Titan blog, we are going to get a little more personal.  Some of you may not know this, but the person that writes these installments is also Liz's biggest fan and partner.  When I felt that she needed a boost, I pulled the Five Rings community together to make the following video.  Check it out:

The Titan's reaction is notable - our champion shows genuine emotion and wanted to share that with her community:

And finally, she wanted to share a thank you and some guarantees for the future:

Please keep the love and support flowing - being away from home and loved ones is never easy.  But every text, e-mail, phone call, video, and letter makes it easier.

Here are a couple that were, mistakenly, overlooked (rest assured, the Titan saw and loved them) - Nick and Matt, you guys rock!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Welcome back everyone!  The Titan is back to her regular training schedule after a hiatus to get married and celebrate some time with her new partner.  As most of you know by now, her last opponent backed out of the fights that were supposed to happen on February 20th - but she is gearing up for another one and we will be sure to pass along the details as soon as we know more.

In the meantime, enjoy a message from Mrs. Liz Tracy:

And here is the training video she mentioned:

Stay tuned for more!

Friday, January 30, 2015


The Titan has been on fire lately - training is going great and spirits are high!!!

Check out the latest word from the future champ -

And we leave you with some gorgeous pics of the sunrise on her drive to training:

Have a great day everybody!!!

Friday, January 23, 2015


The Titan is back in SoCal hard at work and preparing for her first professional fight.  That's correct - she has now turned pro officially!  Listen as she tells you about the exciting news:

Super exciting on so many fronts - dreams do come true, but not when you are sitting on your couch wondering what could happen.  Keep fighting and training hard, Liz!  We got your back :)

Saturday, January 10, 2015


Many of you asked about the cryotherapy that the Titan talked about in her last video, so here is some more information about that process and its benefits:

One of Liz's students sent this message to wish her well in her training:

Greetings to Coach Liz

And here is the Titan's latest update:

Home to see us all in 5 days!  Yay!

Thursday, January 8, 2015


Sweat, hard work, recovery - all in a day in the life of the Titan.

Team Oyama 2015
Here is Liz's recap of the week:

2015 moves forward with the inexorable feeling of progress.  The right combination of dedication, strategy, and optimism is how dreams are realized.  Keep at it, Titan!!!

Saturday, January 3, 2015


“The principle is competing against yourself. It’s about self-improvement, about being better than you were the day before.” - Steve Young

Two days to catch up on - Liz has been busy in the gym.  Big shout-outs to all the folks that showed their support through comments, texts, and IM's over the holiday - the Titan is in better spirits, as you can see below.

Here's a great pic from Oyama:

Working on footwork and standup

Liz's message:

Training is a constant process of learning and growth - check this out:

We are excited to see you, too, Titan!!!  Keep up the great training!