Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Sometimes it is easy to forget that not all challenges are physical - sometimes they are emotional, mental, or financial.  Liz has traveled over 1,000 miles from her home.  Her community, support network, family, and friends are all far away.  Today that hit home a little harder than other days.

If you have a moment, let her know that you care and that you've got her back (comment section and her fan page on Facebook are great places to do that if you don't have her contact info).  We are all pulling for you, Titan - remember, if it were easy then everyone would do it.  You are a champion.  Your time is now.

Monday, December 29, 2014


The Titan got to visit the beach (Huntington) on Sunday after some conditioning and interval training.

It's hard to be away from home and the community she loves, but at least the weather is nice!!!

Monday found our heroine back in the gym, training hard with Coach Giva - her shins haven't been this sore, like, ever!

Keep training hard, Titan... we've all got your back up here in Portland.  And it sounds like you are working your magic on the Oyama community already.  The whole world will be following the Titan before you know it!

Saturday, December 27, 2014


The Titan is back in action - training hard, sparring, and improving her game.  Sounds like a fight may be in the works as well!  Listen up, folks... here's the scoop:

Here is Liz with some of her new training partners at Oyama:

The future continues to look bright - it was awesome to see the Titan for a few days at home, but now it is back to the gym and more training.  Keep an eye on da blog for more upcoming info!
New segment:  Question of the day - Liz will answer one question to the best of her ability from one follower each day, chosen at random.  Post questions in the comments and maybe yours will be chosen!

Thursday, December 18, 2014


“It’s not the will to win that matters—everyone has that. It’s the will to prepare to win that matters.” - Paul "Bear" Bryant

     The challenging training continues, but now that the routine has settled in and the head coaches are back in the gym things are starting to look a lot more optimistic for the Titan.

Take a listen:

Only 4 days 'til we get to see her back in PDX for the holidays!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


"It's not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get up." - Vince Lombardi

    Training is intensifying, with the return of the head coaches to Team Oyama.  The Titan is putting in long days and extra hours.  BJJ (gi and no gi), Muay Thai, kickboxing, boxing, sparring, MMA fight team, and tons of physical conditioning - you name it, she's doing it.

Here is her take on the day:

More to come tomorrow!!!

Monday, December 15, 2014


The Titan started off Week 2 with an intense day of training:

After hours of training, another video came in:

Heal up fast, Titan - we wish you a speedy recovery!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2014


More from Day 2 of Liz's journey:

There are few things in training that are more important than good coaching, and the Titan is fortunate to have found this guy to help her continue her gi training:

Giva Santana
Giva is an internationally renowned competitor and comes pretty highly recommended by our good friend, James Foster.  Very excited to be working with Professor Santana!!!

Competitive training requires a fairly strict diet - this has been Liz's lunch for the past week:

As a result, she found herself with some limited resources for today's training:

Today we leave you with a holiday wish from sunny CA:

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Day 2 - new optimism and lots of jiu jitsu!!!

Here's the Titan:

There is a lot to be said for finding a routine - feeling stable and supported in a new environment.  Cheers to Oyama for providing Liz with that routine!

Random find of the day:

A Seahawks merchandise stone in SoCal.  Go figure.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Some days are better than others - today started with dreams of grand possibilities, and ended with a stark reminder of the challenges that lay ahead.  Keep fighting, Titan - we all support you 110 percent!!!

Quote of the day:  "You wanna go sit in the car and listen to Christmas music?" 
The Titan's response:  Really?  People do this? :) :) :)

First impressions and a conversation with this guy about a potential weight cut to 115:

Ron Scolesdang - Thai boxing Coach

Quick tour of Oyama:


As the day progressed, frustration built - both with scheduling and her perception of her current abilities.  She met an old foe - the woman she lost to at the Pan Tournament as a blue belt, who could potentially now be a new training partner.  Ultimately, a mixed bag for the Titan's first day at the new training center.  Tomorrow is a new day!

Show her some love in the comments below - she reads them and they mean a lot to her.  We love you, Titan!!!

Sunday, December 7, 2014


Liz arrived in Long Beach, CA at approximately midnight last night where she was greeted by this monster -

Triple T Trouble

For those of you that are unaware, the Titan isn't much of a cat person.  She much prefers her beloved Doobie Dog:

Doobie misses his Mama!

Her animal preferences aside, she spent the day catching up on some sleep and exploring her new surroundings - tracking down a local fitness gym and a doggy daycare to volunteer at in her limited spare time.

Take a listen as she fills you in:


"To suffer woes which Hope thinks infinite; To forgive wrongs darker than death or night; To defy Power, which seems omnipotent: To love, and bear; to hope till Hope creates From its own wreck the thing it contemplates; Neither to change, nor falter, nor repent; This, like thy glory, Titan, is to be Good, great and joyous, beautiful and free; This is alone Life, Joy, Empire and Victory."

  Percy Bysshe Shelley: 1820  Prometheus Unbound, act 4, l.570-8.     

     One footstep.  The turn of a key.  A thousand miles.  Doorways opened. Challenge accepted.

Liz Tracy left for Southern California today to start training full time for her MMA career.  She is tentatively scheduled to join Team Oyama (home of current stars such as Carla Esparza and Ian McCall).  She leaves behind her family, friends, and community to pursue her dream of one day having her hand raised as a professional MMA champion for a major promotion.

You can follow her journey here.  Pictures, videos, quotes, and anecdotes will be available as her training commences. 
Here is a message from the Titan herself:

Stay tuned for more!