Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Sometimes it is easy to forget that not all challenges are physical - sometimes they are emotional, mental, or financial.  Liz has traveled over 1,000 miles from her home.  Her community, support network, family, and friends are all far away.  Today that hit home a little harder than other days.

If you have a moment, let her know that you care and that you've got her back (comment section and her fan page on Facebook are great places to do that if you don't have her contact info).  We are all pulling for you, Titan - remember, if it were easy then everyone would do it.  You are a champion.  Your time is now.


  1. Just another little bump in the road, no big deal, its going to happen. Keep your eyes on the prize

  2. From Oliver:
    We miss you to coach Liz . We really like you .We really look forward to seeing
    you . ‘have fun !!
