Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Some days are better than others - today started with dreams of grand possibilities, and ended with a stark reminder of the challenges that lay ahead.  Keep fighting, Titan - we all support you 110 percent!!!

Quote of the day:  "You wanna go sit in the car and listen to Christmas music?" 
The Titan's response:  Really?  People do this? :) :) :)

First impressions and a conversation with this guy about a potential weight cut to 115:

Ron Scolesdang - Thai boxing Coach

Quick tour of Oyama:


As the day progressed, frustration built - both with scheduling and her perception of her current abilities.  She met an old foe - the woman she lost to at the Pan Tournament as a blue belt, who could potentially now be a new training partner.  Ultimately, a mixed bag for the Titan's first day at the new training center.  Tomorrow is a new day!

Show her some love in the comments below - she reads them and they mean a lot to her.  We love you, Titan!!!


  1. "Some days you're the hammer, and some days you're the nail." Keep your head up and focus on your goals for being where you are - improving your all-around game and becoming the champ you're meant to be (even if it means hanging up the gi for a while). You got this!

  2. Like you said, “I can do it”. Yes you can.
    PS - weather really sucks up here...
    Michael & Oliver
